I LOVE BEAUTY / Charlotte Torpegaard
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Ilovebeauty tips

Derfor elsker vi (også) Vintner’s Daughter – læs med, det er vigtigt

Jeg har skrevet det før, men jeg gør det hellere end gerne igen. Der er så meget mere i krukkerne og flaskerne end roser og velvalgte olier. Alt på hylderne hos os har en holdning til den (skønheds)verden, vi lever i. Læs med her, det er vigtigt og (også) en af grundene til, at Vintner’s Daughter er på min hud på snart syvende år:

Dear Community

Since Vintner’s Daughter first launched nine years ago (hard to believe it has been that long), we have consciously chosen not to use the term ‘anti-aging’. In place of the fear and insecurity those words can create, my goal has always been to create a sense of joy, gratitude and connection to our beautiful selves, no matter our ages.

I view aging as a beautiful record of our accomplishments, loves, losses, struggles and everyday joys.

There is real value, grace and beauty to every year we spend on this Earth. My hope is that we can honor, not weaponize, the natural process of aging. I’m not saying that everything about growing older is a cakewalk, but there is also nothing to ‘correct’, ‘fight’ or ‘erase’. At Vintner’s Daughter we strive for agelessness and true beauty, which to me is all about a trusted and deep connection to ourselves, our values and to the world around us.

This connection is what I believe leads to the universal virtues of kindness, generosity, love, gratitude and beauty.

My hope is that our products, in their perhaps small way, help to foster and strengthen that connection. The joy and contentment that comes from this kind of beauty is there to energize our soul so that we are resourced and ready for whatever lies ahead.


With gratitude, xx April

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